What to Expect
When you arrive, you may notice that there’s no pulpit and no pastor. Since Christ is the Head of the Church, we gather on equal ground, centered around Jesus.
Although, we meet in a small storefront for now, we try to keep our meeting area homey, with a comfortable, personal atmosphere.
We start each week off with the Lord’s Supper, just as Jesus instructed, remembering His death till He comes. It’s the central focus of our gathering on the Lord’s day; a blessed time of reflection, worship, and praise. This “breaking of the bread” service includes spontaneous times of prayer, hymn singing, and public sharing of the scripture by a number of men, as led by the Holy Spirit. Then we share in a time of corporate Bible study. Sometimes it’s a book of the Bible, sometimes a topical study. We believe in the priesthood of all believers and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus welcomed little children to come to Him, and so do we. Our meeting is family integrated, so families can worship together.
You may notice that our whole gathering is based on personal involvement and participation from beginning to end as we fellowship directly with God as well as with each other. Church is you and me meeting together in Christ. Each person has a significant role, and if someone can’t make it, it’s a real loss to the group — you are personally valued to us, just as you are to Christ.